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Certification Mark

Certification Marks are evidence that a product or a management system conforms to applicable national or international standard.

Certification marks are names, symbols, or devices used by groups or persons that show compliance to a set of standards. In addition, the user of the mark is not the registered owner, and the owner is not permitted to use the mark. These marks can show geographic origin, standards met with respect to quality or manufacture, or work performed by a person that meets certain standards. The party that applies for a certification mark must also be considered competent to certify the products or management systems in question.

Certification marks are important for businesses that want to demonstrate the quality of their products or services. Trade associations, certification bodies, CABs and centralized commercial groups are the most common owners of marks. 

Certification marks are names, symbols, or devices used by groups or persons that show compliance to a set of standards. In addition, the user of the mark is not the registered owner, and the owner is not permitted to use the mark. These marks can show geographic origin, standards met with respect to quality or manufacture, or work performed by a person that meets certain standards. The party that applies for a certification mark must also be considered competent to certify the products or management systems in question.

Consumers want a guarantee that products and services meet desired standards. To meet this demand, more companies are trying to get a certification mark by an approved and accredited certification body. This provides airtight proof of quality for the product or services It also puts consumers' minds at ease.

Characteristics of certified goods or services include Safety, Quality, Morality, Mode of manufacture, Materials used and Accuracy

Certification marks are important for businesses that want to demonstrate the quality of their products or services. Trade associations, certification bodies, CABs and centralized commercial groups are the most common owners of marks. 

LSQA Middle East Certification Mark is a trademark registered owned by LSQA Middle East Ltd and protected from forgery, imitation or misuse according to International acts in the Egypt, Jordan, Middle East, Europe, USA and elsewhere.


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