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GRASP Certification

GRASP Committed to Workers’ Health, Safety, and Welfare. Good agricultural practices aren’t just about products; they are also about people. More than 117,000 producers in 99 countries use GRASP as their social/labor management tool of choice.

GRASP is an assessment on labor/human rights at farm level. It helps to monitor global supply chains and can only to be used in combination with the Integrated Farm Assurance (IFA) standard and benchmarked schemes.


GRASP is a voluntary assessment. However, IFA v6 for aquaculture, as well as all producers that participate in the GGN label initiative, require GRASP compliance. Some suppliers/buyers and/or retailers may include GRASP as an obligatory requirement.


How GRASP works


  • Producers can assess, improve, and demonstrate their responsible social practices through a simple but robust evaluation checklist of four main topics: Workers’ voice, human and labor rights information, human and labor rights indicators, and child and young workers protection.
  • The assessment is carried out simultaneously with an IFA audit in order to minimize the audit burden (time and costs) for producers.
  • Evidence methods are determined by the country risk classification in order to balance efficiency and flexibility.
  • Evaluation is complemented by national interpretation guidelines of local legislation to help assessors and producers to understand local compliance systems.
  • GRASP covers the main topics of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the International Labour Organization (ILO)’s core labor conventions.


Country risk classification


  • The GRASP country risk classification uses the Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) issued by the World Bank to determine the level of evidence required during a GRASP assessment. 
  • The list of countries assigned to the three categories is updated every year, following the revision periods of the indicators issued by the World Bank.
  • The higher the risk level, the higher the level of evidence necessary. more about Country risk classification concept.


National interpretation guidelines – harmonizing good social practice worldwide


  • Legal labor requirements such as minimum wage, age of legal employment, or working hours differ from country to country. National interpretations guidelines are developed to help implement a global assessment on a local scale.
  • Where the national requirements are stricter, local legislation overrides GRASP. Where there is no legislation (or legislation is not so strict), GRASP provides the minimum requirements for a good social management system.
  • GRASP can be assessed in every country – even in countries that do not have a national interpretation guideline yet.


Versions and validity


  • GRASP v1.3-1-i was published in June 2020 and became the obligatory version on 1 February 2021.
  • The interim final documents for GRASP v2 were published on 26 April 2022. On 29 September 2022 the final documents were published. GRASP v2 will replace v1.3-1-i and become obligatory on 1 January 2024.


Why work with LSQA Middle East?


LSQA Middle East is a world leading accredited Global.G.A.P certification body, with accreditation for globally recognized programmes including all schemes of GlobalGAP Certification; GlobalGAP Database. At LSQA Middle East, we offer you more than a certificate. We have the expertise, experience, and global presence to support and guide you through the entire process, helping you meet the challenges and maximize the benefits of GlobalGAP certification.


More Information About GRSP:  GlobalGAP/GRASP


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