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HACCP - Hazard Analysis Critical & Control Points Certification

HACCP is an internationally accepted method of preventing food contamination from chemical, microbiological and physical hazards.

Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP), is the internationally recognized food safety system that focuses on the systems needed to identify and manage potential risks of foodborne safety hazards from reaching consumers. It pertains to any organization involved directly or indirectly in the food chain such as farms, fisheries, dairies, meat processors, and food service providers such as restaurants, hospitals, and catering services.


HACCP is a risk management system designed to identify, assess, evaluate and control hazards in the entire food production process. Audits focus on the risks and potential causes of food safety hazards and utilizes preventative controls at critical points. Critical control points may include the supply chain, employee training and supervision, storage, preparation, handling, cooking to serving. It specifies how each should be carried out and meticulously monitored. HACCP has international recognition as the most cost-effective means of controlling food borne disease and is endorsed as such by the Joint FAO/WHO Codex Alimentarius Commission.


A competent and properly implemented HACCP program can reduce the likelihood of customer complaints or costly recalls and provide your customers, the public, and regulatory agencies assurance that a food safety program is well-managed.


Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) and HACCP

Today, many of the world’s leading manufacturers and vendors use the HACCP system as a basis for their food safety management programs and for compliance with Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) audit schemes. The system is a critical element of GFSI-recognized standards such as FSSC 22000, GlobalGAP, and BRCGS.


Why work with LSQA Middle East?


LLSQA Middle East is an experienced and globally respected food safety certification body, with a complete suite of Good Catering Practice (GCP) and other important food safety and quality standards, such as GFSI-recognized certifications, and ISO 22000:2018.


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