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Animal Livestock Certification

The GLOBALG.A.P. Integrated Farm Assurance (IFA) Standard consists of General Rules and Control Points and Compliance Criteria (CPCC.)


The GLOBALG.A.P. IFA CPCC are modular-based consisting of:


The All Farm Base Module: This is the foundation of all sub-scopes and defines all the requirements that all producers must first comply with to gain certification.


The Scope Module: This defines clear criteria based on the different food production sectors.

GLOBALG.A.P. covers 3 scopes: Crops, Livestock and Aquaculture.


The Sub-scope Module: These CPCC cover all the requirements for a particular product or different aspect of the food production and supply chain. The scopes (e.g. livestock) are automatically coupled to the sub-scopes that a producer or producer group applies for.

This Standard covers: Identification and Traceability, Breeding and Young Stock, Feed, Forage, Housing and Facilities, Hygiene and Handling.

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This Standard covers: General Provisions, Identification and Traceability, Feed and Water, Housing and Facilities, Calves’ Health, Loading to dispatch for slaughter, Casualty Calves and Fallen Stock, Findings and Outdoor Calves.

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This Standard covers: Stock Sourcing, Breeding (Parent) Flock, Hatchery, Feed and Water, Housed Poultry, Outdoor Poultry, Mechanical Equipment, Poultry Health, Hygiene and Pest Control, Handling, Residue Monitoring, Emergency Procedures, Inspection, Workers, Humane Slaughter of Casualty Poultry, Dispatch and Transportation.

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This Standard covers: Provisions for Turkey Poults, Feed and Water, Housed Turkeys, Outdoor Turkeys, Mechanical Equipment, Animal Health, Hygiene and Pest Control, Handling and Inspection, Residue Monitoring, Emergency Procedures, Workers, Humane Slaughter of Casualty Poultry as well as Dispatch and Transportation.

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This Standard covers: Legal Registration, Feed, Housing and Facilities, Dairy Health, Milking, Milking Facilities, Hygiene, Cleaning Agents and Other Chemicals.

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Why work with LSQA Middle East?


LSQA Middle East is a world leading accredited Global.G.A.P certification body, with accreditation for globally recognized programmes including all schemes of GlobalGAP Certification; GlobalGAP Database. At LSQA Middle East, we offer you more than a certificate. We have the expertise, experience, and global presence to support and guide you through the entire process, helping you meet the challenges and maximize the benefits of GlobalGAP livestock certification.


More Information About Livestock certification:  GlobalGAP Livestock Certification. 


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