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Nurture Module Certification

The Tesco Nurture Programme became a GLOBALG.A.P. add-on module that was applicable to the audit process for IFA v5 for crops in January 2017. Through this process of combining audits, GLOBALG.A.P. is helping to reduce duplication and increase flexibility for suppliers when choosing how they want their sites to be assessed.

From 01 February 2023, all audits/inspections for fruit and vegetables shall be conducted according to Nurture Module v11.4. The new checklist shall also be used for self-assessment.

The new version features the addition of 20 new control points and compliance criteria related to the handling of “unfinished” Tesco products, i.e., products that are not ready for retail sale at the time of dispatch.


The Nurture Module scheme rules for v11.2 are unchanged and will remain valid. There will be no transition period between v11.3 and v11.4 for fruit and vegetables during which both versions would be valid at the same time.


LSQA Middle East auditors and experts are approved for Nurture Module v11.3 will be authorized to conduct audits against v11.4. The updated v11.4 may only be combined with the Integrated Farm Assurance (IFA) standard v5.2 or IFA v5.4-1-GFS. It cannot be combined with IFA v6.


The Nurture Module v11.2 quality management system checklist and the checklist for flowers and ornamentals in Audit Online Hub (AOH) will remain unaffected and may continue to be used.


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LSQA Middle East is a world leading accredited Global.G.A.P certification body, with accreditation for globally recognized programmes including all schemes of GlobalGAP Certification; GlobalGAP Database. At LSQA Middle East, we offer you more than a certificate. We have the expertise, experience, and global presence to support and guide you through the entire process, helping you meet the challenges and maximize the benefits of GlobalGAP certification.


More Information about Tesco Nurture:  GlobalGAP/ADD ON/NURTURE


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